Interactive Filmmaking Museums News People Publications Research

‘Interactive Film and Media 2022’

The #IFM2022 Virtual Conference is taking place online, from the 8th to the 10th of June 2022. This year’s conference reunites academics and practitioners to explore the definitions, terms, practices and conditions of interaction and interactivity in three strands: epistemology, listening, and ecomedia. Apart from the paper presentations, the conference also includes several exhibitions of interactive films.

The Full Conference Program & Registration (Free Admission) are now available: While, the new issue of the #IFM Journal features all the video presentations:

As part of the conference, Victoria Wetzel and Dr Polina Zioga will present their research on Paintings Alive: Interactive Films and Video Installations for Young Museum Visitors’, in Panel V ‘Hybrid & Augmented – Extended Experiences in Space’, 9 June 2022, 8:00-9:20 AM (Dallas) / 9:00-10:20 AM (Toronto) / 2:00-3:20 PM (Leeds) / 3:00-4:20 PM (Bayreuth).

[…] our research focuses on the use of interactive video technologies, and factors that can lead into the design of engaging and user-friendly museum experiences for children. To achieve this, a museum was chosen as a case study and a survey was conducted. The results […] led to the production of Paintings Alive, an interactive film for children, based on the museum’s art gallery, and accessible on the visitors’ mobile devices. Our paper also discusses the findings of the project, alongside the challenges and limitations imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic, and offers recommendations for future work. […]

You can find here: the conference program, the full list of video presentations, together with the free registration.