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‘DCAC 2023′

The hybrid 5th International Conference on Digital Culture & AudioVisual Challenges (DCAC 2023), hosted by the Department of Audio & Visual Arts (Ionian University), is taking place in Corfu (Greece) and online, this week, 12-13 May 2023. The aim of DCAC 2023 is to bring together technology, art and culture in the Digital Era; provide a forum on current research and applications; and deepen cooperation, exchange experiences, and good practices.

As part of the conference, Dr Polina Zioga and Dr Catherine M. Weir will present our new work-in-progress project ‘This Place Has Its Own Air’: A Proof of Concept for Urban Air Quality Data Visceralisation, in Session 2: Digital Culture and Technologies, 12 May 2023, 11:30-12:45 EEST.

How can interactive video and real-time data visceralisation help audiences connect with their shared environment, and promote the reduction of urban air pollution?

[…] This paper presents ‘This Place Has Its Own Air’, a data-driven video-installation and proof of concept for urban air quality data visceralisation. Its title is based on the seminal memoir The Living Mountain (1977) by Nan Shepherd, and is concerned with the effect of the city’s air (man-made polluted environment) on the body. The video-installation uses the real-time air quality data of the city where it is presented, to create an evocative visceralisation of the bodily experience; enabling viewers to have a real-time glimpse of the air they breathe and reflect on the need for reducing the pollution of their environment. […]

(Zioga and Weir 2023)

You can find here: the schedule and the full list of speakers.